Monday, May 25, 2009

Squamish MOMAR

Just got back from doing the MOMAR over in Squamish on Saturday. Thanks to course designer Jen Segger, it turned out to be the hardest and longest course in the 10 year series history. I raced solo for the first time on a course with tons of mountain biking and massive elevation change. Despite the fact that I am not as strong at mountain biking as I am at running, I managed to pull out a decent 3rd place finish. I'll have a full race report up in a while, but it may not be until the 2nd week of June due to an upcoming vacation.


Unknown said...

Congrats! I have read in other places that it was a tough course, so good on ya!

Sounds like more fun that the Oak Bay Half....

Shaner said...

It was very tough. I'm estimating 1500m+ of elevation gain, but it was a good experience.

Sorry to hear your Oak Bay didn't go as well as you had hoped. You will get back your base fitness soon I'm sure.


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